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Version: 2.03 (23rd May 1997)
Size: 91K
!Lottery is possibly the most feature packed Lottery predictor application available for Acorn machines. The list of features includes, frequency charts, scatter graphs, block guesses, a full range of statistics, the ability to print out predictions onto the official payslips using standard Acorn printer drivers, automatic win checking + much more.
A history of this application is available online.
The main archive contains all UK draw results up to January 1999 but you can also download the latest set of results including data for all draws up to and including last Sat's (23rd Jan) by clicking here. This will update the results stored in the main Lottery archive above.

Version: 1.00 (11th Sep 1998) - PUBLIC DOMAIN
Size: 16K
This is an Acorn Risc OS port of the DOS/Unix program by John Walker to test pseudo random number sequences.
!ENT will perform Entropy, Chi-Squared, Arithmetic Mean, Monte Carlo Value for PI and Serial Correlation Coefficient analysis on any given pseudorandom sequence of bytes stored in a file and report the results of those tests.
I've pre-compiled a C absolute file and included John Walkers original C source code as well as commented the source code to my wimp front-end, written in BASIC for people who want to see how to write a rudimentary BASIC wimp application from scratch.

Version: 1.05 (24th Dec 1990)
Size: 17K
This is an Acorn version of the classic 'computer virus' game/simulation, popular in the 1980's. Originally inspired by an article in Scientific American magazine.
I thought I'd upload this for people to look at, when I discovered it on an old disc. StrongArm compatible, runs in the Risc OS desktop and includes full source code in BASIC.
Some example Red Code programs are also available.

Version: 1.00 (8th Sep 1993)
Size: 20K
"Moments of Reflection" - This small desktop application gives a random 'meaningful' quote each time you click on its icon. Various configuration options allow you to customise it so you may want to include in your boot sequence, for a reflective quote each time you reset your machine.

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